A Testimonial for Community Living: Teall Family

Lauren Teall smiles at her mother as they rests their heads together while sitting next to each other

Lauren Teall was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, seizure disorder and severe cognitive impairments at age 2.  She received early intervention services in Chesapeake, until the family moved to Michigan when she was 9-years-old.  Lauren attended a year round special education program for severely disabled in Flushing, Michigan.  In 2013, her mother, Mary Jane Teall, began searching for disability services in Hampton Roads for a planned move back to Hampton Roads area.  

Because services vary in each state, she looked for day programs and had no plans for group home placement for Lauren. 

She found Versability Resources and was referred to Linda Kerns, Community Living Director, who arranged a tour of Envisions Day Support and Hilton House, a home that provides 24/7/365 care for people with cognitive and physical disabilities. 

Versability Resources operates the homes in conjunction with Envisions Day Support and other community services.  

Lauren was offered a trial weekend stay at Hilton House, which went well, and she was admitted In January 2014.  

“As a former home hospice nurse, I have been in numerous group homes, assisted living and nursing homes in Michigan and Virginia,” Mary Jane said. “The cleanliness, ancillary services and caring staff at Hilton House and Envisions are ideal.”  

Mary Jane Teall sits on the arm of a couch while holding the hand of her daughter, Lauren, who is seated next to her in a wheelchair

The transition to leaving home was a challenge for Lauren and her family in the first year.  Any issues that arose were quickly addressed by Hilton staff, the nurses or Linda Kerns. 

Today as a resident at Hilton House, Lauren enjoys her home, outings, music and TV and her Hilton House “family” of staff and housemates.  

“It’s a home-like setting,” Mary Jane said. “It’s enhanced her life. Despite her limitations, she can be on her own, so to speak. She’s 34, though cognitively she’s a much younger age. Having her at Hilton House has given my husband and me the opportunity to have some time for us with the accessibility of being able to see Lauren easily. As a nervous mom, I was over there every weekend at first but now I feel more relaxed knowing she is in good care and she is in her own home, so to speak.”

She receives weekly physical therapy/walking sessions with Glen East, a physical therapist at Envisions, and her medical care is supervised by Hilton House nurse Sharday Harrison.  Hilton House manager Ona Heckstall and staff provide personable care for Lauren and her housemates.  Lauren smiles and loves hugs with staff.  Her parents are able to visit Lauren anytime and have her home for weekend and holidays.

“We are so thankful for the dedicated care, communication from Linda, Ona  and staff at Envisions Day program,” Mary Jane said. “And most of all, for the peace of mind that Lauren is well cared for, safe and happy!”

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