EPIC is a family-centered program that provides information and support to families of infants and toddlers with developmental delays. Free developmental screenings are provided for any child living in Hampton and Newport News under the age of 3.

VersAbility’s Service Coordinators assess a child’s needs and coordinate tailored therapy programs to ensure each child reaches his or her full potential and is ready for school. Our family-based approach provides parents and caregivers with support and training in developmental milestones, parenting skills and therapy techniques.

For information about the EPIC program, review our FAQs or contact Robin Drummond at (757) 876-1514 or rdrummon@versability.org.

What is EPIC?

EPIC stands for Early Prevention and Intervention for Children, a program that has supported families who have infants and toddlers with developmental delays since 1975. 

What is early intervention?

Although infants and toddlers learn and grow at their own pace, early childhood development often follows predictable patterns. Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act and move (crawling, walking, etc.).

For any number of reasons, many young children need a little extra help to reach certain developmental milestones. Since infants and toddlers grow and learn so quickly, it’s important to get that extra help as early as possible if you or your child’s doctor have any concerns about your child’s development. Early identification and intervention can make a difference.

Do I need a referral for EPIC?
  • Submit an online referral at itcva.online/central-directory. You do not need a physician referral.
  • Call the Central Point of Entry, the Infant & Toddler Connection of Hampton-Newport News, at (757) 726-4012.
Who is eligible for EPIC?

A child may qualify for Early Intervention Services if at least one of the following criteria is met:  

  • Demonstrating a 25% delay from his or her chronological or adjusted age in one or more areas of their developmental skills; 
  • Demonstrating an atypical delay. Some patterns of development do not necessarily result in a 25% delay but have an impact on a child’s everyday functioning; 
  • A diagnosed condition with a high probability of resulting in a delay. Examples of conditions but not limited to are Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Failure to Thrive, NICU stay of 28 days or more, gestational age of 28 weeks or less, etc.
What happens after my child’s referral is received?

After the intake and with parent consent, an assessment will be completed with your family’s Service Coordinator and a team of professionals to learn how your child is functioning day to day. If your child is found eligible for Early Intervention, our staff works with families to develop an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) based on the family’s needs, preferences and concerns regarding their child and their family. Each child/family is assigned to a Service Coordinator at the time of the referral/intake.

When will my child be discharged from Early Intervention services?

A child will be discharged when:

  • He or she turns 3 years of age; 
  • He or she  transitions to Early Childhood Special Education preschool services through Hampton or Newport News Public Schools;
  • If the child is not demonstrating a 25% delay and the parent does not have further concerns.
What additional resources are available for a child experiencing developmental delays?

The family’s Service Coordinator can provide information on various options to explore, including Early Childhood Special Education Services through Hampton and Newport News Public Schools, community programs and Outpatient Therapy Services. 

How are the cost of services covered?

Families are not denied Early Intervention services based on their inability to pay. Options are in place to help a family secure service for their child. For additional information, please contact Robin Drummond, EPIC Program Manager at (757) 876-1514.

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