When you donate to VersAbility Resources, you’re improving the lives of people with disabilities. We’re grateful for your support.
You make a difference to us. You make a difference to people with disabilities. You make a difference in our community.

How Your Gift Helps
Purchases books, therapy tools and more for children with disabilities
Helps purchase updated technology for people in our Day Support program.
Provides clothing, hygiene items and more for residents in our community homes.
Funds support resources to help people with disabilities gain local employment.
Supports wraparound services for people with disabilities to help them gain training and certifications toward successful employment and economic independence.
We appreciate any amount you are able to contribute. Thank you!
Other Ways to Give
One-time Donation
Make a gift that makes a difference. Fill out our donation form.
Recurring Donation
Support our mission biweekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. Donate through our form.
Donate Your Car
Donating your vehicle is tax deductible, includes free towing and takes less than 60 seconds! Call us at (866) 829-2918 or fill out the car donation form.
Be an Event Sponsor
We hold an Ability Am Golf Tournament in the spring and an annual Gala in the fall. VersAbility would welcome your sponsorship! Contact Keltie Bransford about opportunities at kbransford@versability.org.
Hold a Facebook Fundraiser
Create your own fundraiser and designate VersAbility as your charity of choice on your personal Facebook page. Follow these steps.