And Your Nonprofit of the Year Award Goes to . . . VersAbility Resources

Coastal Virginia Magazine named VersAbility Resources its Nonprofit of the Year in 2023, an award recognizing a nonprofit that makes a positive difference in the region.
VersAbility serves more than 1,500 individuals and their families through its mission that supports people with disabilities living full lives of their choosing.
“Our selection team was particularly impressed by this Hampton-based organization’s efforts to support people with disabilities in leading productive and fulfilling lives as well as their extensive work with employers and community partners during a time of critical need for workforce development,” said Leona Baker, Editor-in-Chief of Coastal Virginia Magazine.
VersAbility lives this mission through its many programs, many of which relate to employment. VersAbility is a leader in federal contracting for people with disabilities. The nonprofit partners with the U.S. Navy and Air Force to employ people with disabilities around the nation. Additionally, VersAbility is the prime contractor for ship provisioning services for the Navy at eight locations around the globe, which amounts to more than 300 jobs for people with disabilities. VersAbility also prepares students for life after high school and the transition to employment through programs that include soft skills training, mentoring and internships with community employers. Local businesses benefit from hiring people with disabilities, partnerships made possible thanks to VersAbility’s Supported Employment program. VersAbility employees regularly receive commendations for their exemplary work.
VersAbility provides support services to adults from the 10 counties on the Middle Peninsula/Northern Neck at the Gloucester-based Lewis B. Puller Center, the region’s only day support center for people with disabilities

Future of Work, among the newer VersAbility programs, offers career opportunities to what is regarded as the greatest untapped talent pool in the nation — people with disabilities. Future of Work offers welding, culinary arts, information technology, and medical assisting certification training while also addressing barriers to employment for people with disabilities by developing wraparound support services.
VersAbility’s Early Prevention and Intervention for Children program assists infants and toddlers with developmental delays. These services are provided for any child living in Hampton and Newport News under the age of 3 and include tailored an individualized therapy programs to ensure each child reaches his or her full potential.
VersAbility’s Project Independence program offers personalized life skills classes and opportunities to help underserved adults and seniors with disabilities reach their highest level of independence and community engagement. Virtual Reality simulation rooms help train people with disabilities for various real-life scenarios while surrounded by caring and compassionate support staff in a safe environment.
VersAbility operates eight safe, supportive homes for people with disabilities throughout Hampton, Newport News, and York County that consistently receive exceptional ratings by the Virginia Department of Health. Staff, nurses, and dieticians are on-site 24/7/365, providing the support needed to ensure people with disabilities live independently within the community.
From the Nomination
“In this post-pandemic world, we read headlines every day about employers struggling to find and retain their workforce. VersAbility Resources serves people with disabilities in a myriad of ways—infants, children, students, adults of all ages as well as their families—but the nonprofit is also serving the entire community by training a very capable workforce to fill many of the vacancies that employers need filled in order to both survive and thrive.”