Meet Henry

Henry, a young blond boy, plays with toys while sitting on the floor

Meet Henry!


Henry is a 3-year-old graduate of VersAbility’s early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities and delays.   

 In the beginning, Henry had to overcome difficulties with eating and communicating his wants and needs.  Mom tried an ongoing game of charades to figure out what he wanted, leading to constant crying and meltdowns for Henry and growing concern for his family.  

Through VersAbility’s EPIC program, Henry received Service Coordination, Occupational Therapy and Developmental Services to address his many developmental delays, including eating and speech challenges. 

When Henry graduated from VersAbility’s  EPIC program he started preschool with Newport News Public Schools. Henry is currently enjoying his second year of preschool and is healthy and thriving.

His mom says he is interacting well with his classmates and “will talk your ear off”. Henry loves group time and story time.  He has overcome his difficulties with eating and is growing stronger and eating a variety of foods.

Thanks to VersAbility’s EPIC program, Henry is thriving at school, with his friends, and at home with his family. He is ready to take on the world!

For more information about VersAbility’s Early Childhood program, contact Diane Fennell at 757.894.8457 or

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